Best pgp encryption app for android
Best pgp encryption app for android

  1. #Best pgp encryption app for android how to
  2. #Best pgp encryption app for android software

It also involved elements of crowd-sourced trust and other important elements of web security. This original PGP worked by creating a public key and a private key, the former used to encrypt a message and the latter to decrypt it so it can be read.

best pgp encryption app for android

While that’s not exactly the most confident name, PGP proved its worth and quickly became the go-to source for encryption in the 1990s.

#Best pgp encryption app for android software

Cryptography software used for communication dates all the way back to 1991 when Phil Zimmermann created what he called PGP or Pretty Good Privacy. Let’s talk a little bit about encryption so you get an idea of what you are jumping into.

#Best pgp encryption app for android how to

Let’s take a look at the best and how to use them. There are dozens of encryption options available these days, from plugins to web services.

best pgp encryption app for android

If encrypted emails sound good to you, you’re in luck. Essentially, this encodes email contents into gibberish and only lets the recipient decode the email and read it. While the average email service doesn’t do much to protect your email – which is why they can be collected and used quite easily by others – there is another level of service that offers email encryption. Others dislike the idea of government prying and interference (the current powers of the NSA have unsurprisingly led to a resurgence in email encryption). Some worry about identity theft and sensitive company data that can be stolen. People have always wanted to make sure than only the recipient can read email messages. Mtkang / ShutterstockLong has the war for email privacy been fought – and it looks we’ll keep fighting far into the future.

Best pgp encryption app for android